Table for Three

We grew up with no religion. We were taught right from wrong through empathy; feeling the feelings of one another and by learning from those reactions/responses. It is puzzling to us that any one religion would be considered “the way” when there are so many different religions and people in the world. –Alicia, Kelly & Sara
Over the years I have broken bread with people of many faiths in all parts of the world. Each religion has its own way of handing down a moral code. Seeing how much they have in common, I find it difficult to understand why those of one religion might believe that all the others are wrong. –Cary
“Because of their physical likeness, the Casilio sisters have the uncanny ability to portray “everyman.” With a single image, if not a look, they can convey the deep and profound sense of humanity we all share regardless of gender, race, culture, or religion. TRIIIBE illuminates that equity in Table for Three, an image that unites a Jewish Rabbi, a Catholic Priest, and a Muslim Imam. These are aging men who represent religions with core principles of goodness, compassion, and peace. Such commonalities are vital to bear in mind, especially with dangerous fearmongering and isolated, extremist actions of hate taking place the world over. In titling and staging the image in this way, TRIIIBE also underscores the fact that there are no seats for women at this table. This absence of the “everywoman” similarly allows Table for Three to prompt questions about gender bias and the roles of religious women across belief systems, too.”
Editing in the Studio
Alicia, Kelly and Sara Casilio,
Cary Wolinsky, Rae Bertellotti
and Babs Wolinsky
Capture date: 2006
First finished print: 2010
Archival inkjet print
Three iterations
18.25 x 39 inches
23.5 x 50 inches
28.625 x 61.125 inches
46 1/4 x 78 inches (framed)
© Triiibe Partners 2010