
Inspired by a sculpture by Kiki Smith, Cary imagined us sitting on a couch wearing and surrounded by the same fabric. As triplets, we realized that we might be seen by others as pattern-like fabric, all the same—thinking, dressing and acting exactly alike. In our personal lives, we worked to challenge that notion, differentiating ourselves by dressing in different styles of clothing. Ironically, as we worked on this piece it became clear that we were living very similar lives, working together, living together, and making art together. As it turned out, Fine revealed some cracking in our molds. Fine was the last piece we worked on together before a long break.
Fine, the photograph, inspired TRIIIBE to create The Fine Wallpaper Book, a collaboration with artist Daniel Kelm and the book inspired filmmaker Yari Wolinsky to create an animation.
“The relentless sameness of the decorative floral verges on oppressive as tension looms under the surface of these coordinating figures. If asked if they are all right, these rigidly posed women would respond with a curt but final, “Everything is fine.””
Alicia, Kelly, and Sara Casilio,
Cary Wolinsky, Rae Bertellotti,
Babs Wolinsky, Marie Brown (dress consulting),
Julie Sandler (Sara’s dress),
Marie Anderson (Stonehouse Antiques, prop loan)
Lisa Connelly (slipcover)
Fine Wallpaper Book
“Everything flows and nothing abides,
everything gives way and nothing stays fixed.”
in collaboration with
Daniel E. Kelm, The Wide Awake Garage
Rick Kyle, 5000K
The texts and photographs are printed on Optica One, 300 gram 100% cotton paper using Ultrachrome pigmented ink.
The Pages Are separated by archival glassine sheets
and Crescent Antique Tan museum boards.
The book is bound in Japanese Ginga Bronze book cloth over boards
with pH neutral Indian Metallic Cover Gold end-papers and brass Chicago screw post binding.
A handle made of passementerie is attached to the spine using brass fittings.
There are 12 numbered copies in the edition Plus Four Artists Proofs and One Printer’s Proof.
Overall size approximately: 27.5" wide x 23" height x 1 3/8" thick
Weight: 22.25 pounds.
Paper size: 20 3/8" wide x 21" high
Print size: 17 3/8" wide x 18" high
Number of prints: 8
Binding: Chicago posts
Cover fabric: Japanese Ginga Bronze Book cloth
End papers: Indian Metallic Cover Gold
Total number of pages: 11
1 introductory page
8 pages of prints
1 page containing fabric used in the Fine photograph.
1 page colophon containing, credits, edition information and signature
Capture date: 2009
First finished print: 2010
Archival inkjet print
31 x 30 inches
42.5 x 41 inches
53 x 52 inches
The Evolving Prints are available in the Fine Wallpaper Book
© Triiibe Partners 2010