Black and White


In 2006, we felt that women’s  “choice” was threatened, so we went to Washington D.C. to protest the inauguration of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. But, until we stood there performing Lady Injustice and experienced white men holding signs and chanting “Pro-life” to our faces did we feel those feelings so viscerally. Sara came up with this sketch which became the basis for the photograph.  –Alicia

Abortion rights—why does it divide our country so much? 
Can anyone overcome their religious bias to consider abortion as a good decision for anyone? 
How could the pro-choice side not feel like their rights are being ripped away from them?
Can we sift through all the gray areas and find a middle ground?
Can we see that each side intends good? Each side thinks they are saving a life.
Pro-lifers believe they are saving the unborn. Pro-choice believe they are saving the mother and community around her.
Are there ways to support mothers so they don’t feel the need to choose abortion?

We still hesitate to show this piece today because we don’t want more division but we hope this can help trigger thought. –Kelly


Alicia, Kelly, and Sara Casilio,
Cary Wolinsky, Rae Bertellotti,
Marie Brown, Babs Wolinsky,
Aleta Deyo (Boston Conservatory costume shop),
Justices: John Storm, Dave Smits, Matt Koestner,
Gail Storm, Robert Rayner, Lisa Saunders and Jason Loik


Capture date: 2006
First finished print: 2010
Archival inkjet print

31.75 x 44 inches
36.75 x 51 inches
42 x 58.25 inches

© Triiibe Partners 2010